Our Services

Sunday Services

Sunday Church Service: at 10:00am on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month

At our Sunday services, you will hear a sermon that is based on a weekly Bible lesson from our Pastor: the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science. The service also includes additional scriptural selections, congregational singing, a musical solo, silent prayer, and the Lord’s Prayer.

Two Readers elected from our membership conduct the Sunday services.

As stated at every Sunday Service, this weekly Bible lesson, found in the Christian Science Quarterly and studied throughout the week by students of Christian Science, constitutes our Sunday sermon. This lesson sermon is repeated in Churches of Christ, Scientist all over the globe and covers 26 topics repeated twice yearly. These topics include: “Love,” “Life,” “Truth,” “Christ Jesus,” “God the Preserver of Man,” “God the Only Cause and Creator,” and more. The Christian Science Quarterly can be found at Christian Science Reading Rooms.

Sunday school classes for children, teens, and young adults up to the age of 20 are held at the same time as the Sunday service.

Wednesday Testimony Meetings

Wednesday Testimony Meetings: at 7:30pm on the 1st Wednesday of each month held only via ZOOM at this time
Please email for instructions on how to join.

All are welcome to our Wednesday meetings. This service includes readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy that are selected for the congregation and needs of the times. Following the readings, individuals share experiences and healings they’ve had as a result of their prayer and study of Christian Science.

Thanksgiving Service

Thanksgiving morning at 10:00am

All, including young children, are welcome to our annual Thanksgiving service. Following a special Thanksgiving sermon which includes prayer, hymns and passages read from our Pastor: the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, this service also includes time for the congregation to express gratitude. The annual Thanksgiving lessons sermon can be found in the Christian Science Quarterly which is available from the Reading Room.